The Finnish Journal of Business Economics (Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja) is now the Nordic Journal of Business.
The Journal was founded in 1952 and was formerly known as the Finnish Journal of Business Economics, or Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja (LTA).The Journal was established by Finnish business schools in 1952 and has been considered a staple of peer-reviewed business research among Finnish scholars for more than 60 years. NJB is an open access journal published four times a year. NJB is published since 2012 by the Association of Business Schools Finland (ABS) after ABS and the previous publisher, the Association for Business Administration merged.
In 2012 ABS elected as the new editor of NJB Professor Sami Vähämaa from the University of Vaasa. Headed by Professor Vähämaa, ABS began an extensive development process with the intention of reaching a higher standard of publication and broadening the focus of the Journal to Nordic countries. The change of the name to NJB now begins a new era and stage of development with the intention of reaching a higher standard of publication. The objective of the Nordic Journal of Business is to become a leading outlet for peer-reviewed business research in the Nordic countries.
As part of the Journal’s development process, completely new Advisory and Editorial boards have been recruited during 2014. The members of the new Advisory and Editorial Boards represent different disciplines of business studies, and come from fourteen different universities or business schools in seven different countries. NJB is honoured to welcome Renée Adams (University of New South Wales), Ingmar Björkman (Aalto University School of Business), Nicolai J. Foss (Copenhagen Business School & Norwegian School of Economics), Christian Grönroos (Hanken School of Economics), Matti Keloharju (Aalto University School of Business), and Per Olsson (Duke University) to the Advisory Board.
Furthermore, NJB welcomes the following distinguished colleagues to NJB’s Editorial Board: Jaakko Aspara (Hanken School of Economics), Tom Engsted (Aarhus University), Anna Gold (VU University Amsterdam), Jörgen Hellström (Umeå University), Marko Kohtamäki (University of Vaasa), Benjamin Maury (Hanken School of Economics), Lasse Niemi (Aalto University School of Business), Henrik Nilsson (Stockholm School of Economics), Kaisu Puumalainen (Lappeenranta University of Technology), Sara Rosengren (Stockholm School of Economics), Adam Smale (University of Vaasa), Torkild Thanem (Stockholm University), Steen Thomsen (Copenhagen Business School), and Joakim Wincent (Luleå University of Technology). The members of the Advisory and Editorial Boards are prolific scholars who have published in the leading journals of their fields, and many of them already have a long history with the Journal as authors and reviewers.
Aims and Scope
NJB is a scholarly journal that publishes original scientific research in all fields of business studies. Different aspects of business theory and practice related, among others, to accounting, corporate governance, entrepreneurship, finance, information systems, international business, management, and marketing are within the scope of the Journal.
NJB welcomes submissions of high-quality empirical and theoretical papers that contribute to knowledge of business theory and practice. The Journal is primarily interested in contributions based on the foundational disciplines of business studies, but we also encourage creative approaches and multidisciplinary research that reflects the intricate real-life relationships between functional areas of business. While the Journal provides an international forum for business research, submissions that focus on Nordic research problems or use data from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden are particularly encouraged.
Editorial Policy
The Nordic Journal of Business features:
– Empirical and theoretical research articles
– Survey and review articles
– Research notes
The core of the Journal comprises empirical and theoretical research articles. Comprehensive survey and review articles as well as short research notes will also be considered for publication. The Journal regularly publishes special issues that focus on specific research topics. All submissions are subject to initial editorial screening and are subsequently double-blind refereed by two reviewers who are recognized experts in the field of the manuscript.
For more information, visit NJB’s website or download the brochure (pdf).